Paper Submission

Important Dates

Late Track

30 September 2024

Full Paper Submission deadline

20 October 2024

Notification deadline

15 November 2024

Camera-ready deadline

Main Track








The smart grid is the next generation electrical grid, which will enable the smart integration of conventional, renewable and distributed power generation, energy storage, transmission and distribution, and demand management. The benefits of smart grid include enhanced reliability and resilience, higher intelligence and optimized control, decentralized operation, higher operational efficiency, more efficient demand management, and better power quality. However, the large-scale deployment of smart grid without proper utilization can cause new dimension of threats, particularly in critical infrastructures that are highly dependent on the availability of electricity.

Modern telecommunications will play a vital role in the smart grid as many of its operations and applications require vast amount of information to be communicated between entities in real-time for timely monitoring and control. Beyond smart grid, telecommunications are also an important enabler of human-to-human, human-to-machine, and machine-to-machine connectivity in other smart systems such as smart buildings, transportation and healthcare. These connections and interactions between networked entities will make possible the seamless provision of a wide variety of new services that provide a way of life that is secure, convenient, comfortable, and sustainable in future smart cities.


  • Resilient and robust control for recovery of smart grid
  • Flexibility and self-healing capability of smart grid
  • Electric vehicle systems for smart grid
  • Smart grid system architecture
  • Smart grid electricity markets
  • Decentralized decision making for smart grid
  • Phishing analytic and system security for smart grid
  • Microgrid and islanding applications and operations
  • Quality-of-Service (QoS), energy-efficiency, and fault tolerance in smart grid systems
  • Resource management of smart grid systems
  • Smart grid infrastructural dependencies
  • Distributed control and efficient optimization methods for smart grid
  • Modelling and simulation of smart grid
  • Data analytics, sensing, processing and communication techniques for smart grid
  • Management techniques for distributed energy generation and storage
  • Energy storage technologies for smart grid
  • Physical and MAC layer protocols, low power link layer technologies (PLC and wireless)
  • Resource management and cross-layer optimization
  • Multi-hop communication and mesh networking
  • Scalable network and system architecture (e.g., FAN, HAN, NAN and BAN)
  • Lightweight IP networking stacks for constrained devices
  • Communication protocols for real-time information collection and control applications
  • Data models and communication-aware data management solutions
  • Coexistence, convergence and interoperability mechanisms
  • Signal processing and coding techniques for energy related sensor information
  • 5G and beyond enabling technologies, innovative applications  and services
  • Microwave and millimetre-wave passive and active devices
  • Radio frequency based sensing and energy harvesting
  • Integrated sensing and communications
  • V2X communication for connected autonomous vehicles
  • Optical-wireless integration in backhaul and access networks
  • Radiometric fingerprinting for security of wireless devices
  • Software defined wireless networks
  • Internet of things for smart cities
  • Publication

    All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer – LNICST series and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library: SmartGIFT Conference Proceedings.

    Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, such as Web of Science, Ei Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, EU Digital Library, IO-Port, MatchSciNet, Inspec and Zentralblatt MATH.

    Available journals

    Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
    – Wireless Networks (WINET) Journal [IF: 3.0 (2022)]

    All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:
    EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web (Scopus, Ei Compendex)

    By paying an additional $150, authors can publish their articles in the EAI Endorsed Transactions journal selected by the conference (Scopus and Ei-indexed).

    The article’s publication is subject to the following requirements:
    – It must be an extended version of the conference paper with a different title and abstract. In general, 30% of new content must be added.
    – The article will be processed once the conference proceedings have been published.
    – The article will be processed using the fast-track option.
    – Once the conference proceedings are published, the corresponding author should contact us at [email protected] with the details of their article to begin processing.

    Additional publication opportunities:

    – EAI Transactions series (Open Access)
    – EAI/Springer Innovations in Communications and Computing Book Series
    (titles in this series are indexed in Ei Compendex, Web of Science & Scopus)

    Paper Submission

    Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).

    – Full papers should be up to 12-20 pages in length.

    – Short papers should be 6-11 pages in length.

    All conference papers undergo a thorough peer review process prior to the final decision and publication. This process is facilitated by experts in the Technical Program Committee during a dedicated conference period. Standard peer review is enhanced by EAI Community Review which allows EAI members to bid to review specific papers. All review assignments are ultimately decided by the responsible Technical Program Committee Members while the Technical Program Committee Chair is responsible for the final acceptance selection. You can learn more about Community Review here.

    Paper submission

    Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section below).

    How do I submit a paper in Confy?

    1. Go to Confy+ website
    2. Login or sign up as new user
    3. Select your desired Track
    4. Click the ‘Submit Paper’ link within the track and follow the instructions

    Alternatively, go to home page of Confy+ and click on “Open conferences”.

    Submission guidelines

    – Papers should be in English.
    – Single-Blind Review.
    – Previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the work be concurrently submitted to any other conference or journal.
       Such papers will be rejected without review.
    – The paper submissions must follow the Springer formatting guidelines (see Author’s kit section below).
    – Authors are required to adhere to the Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement.

    Papers must be formatted using the Springer LNICST Authors’ Kit.

    Instructions and templates are available from Springer’s LNICST homepage:
    – LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates (zip)
    – Microsoft Word Proceedings Templates (zip)

    Please make sure that your paper adheres to the format as specified in the instructions and templates.

    When uploading the camera-ready copy of your paper, please be sure to upload both:
    – a PDF copy of your paper formatted according to the above templates, and
    – an archive file (e.g. zip, tar.gz) containing the both a PDF copy of your paper and LaTeX or Word source material prepared according to the above guidelines.